I believe that I have the same tablet. I gave it to my niece whose computer was running 10.10.x. I believe that I simply browsed for the most current legacy driver that they was made for it here: -drivers
Cte 640 Vista Driver Windows 7
Download File: https://shurll.com/2vKGqB
TLDR:I managed to get my Wacom Intuos GD-0912-U (first generation Intuos A4 size) tablet working in High Sierra, with a fully functional Wacom Preference Pane, by using a newer driver and preference pane, and hacking the preference pane file: I replaced the Info.plist in the package of the newer preference pane (6.3.15-3) with the Info.plist from the old preference pane (6.2.0w4) that was working in older macOS. Then switched System Preferences to 32bit and back, opening the prefpane before, in between and after. This restores a fully working prefpane.
In my case with the mentioned to driver versions, I have a fully working prefpane. All options/settings are working and can be saved. Working with my old tablet on High Sierra for a week now, no problems or hickups.
I read somewhere that next versions of MacOS may not have the 32 bit option anymore, so steps 6-13 may not work anymore after High Sierra. In that case, I imagine that the hacked preference file still may work, but only the future will tell. I am not sure what causes the hacked prefpane only to work correctly after the switch of System Prefs to 32bit and back is performed. Maybe in a new MacOS version, the copied, hacked prefpane will just work. Just be sure to keep a copy of the prefpane and drivers to be safe.
On 1/30/15 wacom wrote me ..."Unfortunately your tablet is not compatible with your current Operating System (El Capitan OS X10.11.3) because it is already a legacy model. However, it would still be compatible with Windows 7, Vista or XP and Mac OS X v. 10.6, 10.5, 10.4 & 10.3. You can also try checking out the latest model of your tablet which is Intuos Pro." .... So ... I guess...get an older computer or a newer tablet? Well... I just kept installing & un-installing drivers until I found one that worked. Here it is -us/support/faqs/legacy-tablet-driver-pages/what-is-the-latest-driver-for-the-intuos-gd-tabletsGood luck DanielPS... just found the preference pane doesn't work. Maybe this trick will work -wacom-preferences-and-os-xFor now I'm happy.. I'll try this preference thing only if I have to.
Graphire 4 CTE-640 and El Capitan OSX 10.11 here. I have been trying various solutions online all day but always had one of two errors: either got the "could not load Wacom Tablet preference pane," or got a preference pane that said "a supported tablet was not found on the system." Tried a ton of different things for about the past 4 hours, but finally found a driver that worked for me (btw, i kept getting a 404 error when trying to access the legacy driver linked above, not sure if wacom actually just took it down, or because it's a US site and I'm trying to access it from Japan). Anyway:
I have a Bamboo CTH470 and it suddenly didn't work anymore in EL Capitain. So I installed the latest driver available... it said my tablet was not supported. So I installed on top the lastest available version for my tablet... and it worked as far I can use it as a mouse again (my main use). I didn't test other functions but it might work.
I just downloaded the latest legacy driver from -us/support/faqs/legacy-tablet-driver-pages/what-is-the-latest-driver-for-the-intuos-gd-tablets and my Intuos 2 is working pretty well with El Capitan. True - I can't load the preference pane but can't say I need to.
I upgraded to El Capitan from Yosemite and this is the only driver that works for me: WacomTablet_615-2.dmg if you can find it. (It also got me from Maverick to Yosemite). The current one (615-3) did not work. Luckily I always archive any .dmg file that works just in case.
I have an ancient Intuos GD-0608-U and I got it to work with El Capitan by installing this driver from Wacom: _6.2.0w4.dmgAs the previous user stated the preferences don't work but the pen/stylus does work with default settings...
A hardware driver is a small computer program that allows your computer to interact with Wacom products. It is important to download the most recent driver to ensure that your device is working properly and that you can access its full array of features.
Note: Adding permissions must be done within the first 30 minutes of installing the driver. If the driver was installed outside of the time window, please uninstall and reinstall the driver.
Note: When you add an item in Input Monitoring a message will appear notifying you the application must quit before changes will work. Please do so, however, you must restart your computer after this as the tablet and driver will not work correctly until after the restart. 2ff7e9595c